Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy

  • A red light is shining on a yoga mat in a living room.


Our Service

Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy is a non-invasive natural treatment that involves emitting light waves through the skin to boost circulation, stimulate healing, energize cells, and support your overall well-being all within ten minutes!

Red light therapy restores normal mitochondrial functioning by stimulating the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The increase in ATP production energizes our body’s cells to perform their specialized functions, repair themselves, and replicate.

Red light photons allow your cells to continue utilizing oxygen. Once the body has absorbed the red light energy, it is then used by the cells to build new proteins such as collagen and elastin, and to assist with cellular regeneration.

Red Light Therapy Has Been Shown to:

Increase energy levels.

Improves skin health by stimulating collagen production, improves skin elasticity

Increase tissue repair, reduction in appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars.

Promotes cellular health and connective tissue health

Stimulates stem cells in the hair follicle to encourage active growth

Improves circulation, dilates blood vessels for increased flow, protects red blood cells and platelets

Increase fertility for men that boosts testosterone production

Reduces recovery time, accelerates muscle repair

Eases symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases, spinal cord, and traumatic brain injuries.

Reduces inflammation.

Soothes sore muscles and eases joint stiffness and arthritis.

Reduces muscle spasms and increases blood flow.

Reduces pain and fatigue.

Activates the lymphatic system, increases blood flow/circulation, and brings more oxygen and nutrients to the cells and tissues.

Who Should Avoid Red Light Therapy:

Those who take medications that cause light sensitivity (tetracycline, steroids, cortisone injections)

Those who suffer from hyperpigmentation

Those who suffer from photo-allergies

Pregnant women

  • A woman is reading a book to two children under red lights


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